Stok susu badan (EBM) tak cukup?

Jumaat, 6 Mac 2015

(post ini ditulis pada tahun 2011 sebagai panduan kepada adik saya yang bimbang kekurangan stok EBM. Saya kongsikan di sini sekiranya ada pembaca yang mengalami masalah yang serupa. Untuk makluman Alhamdulillah saya berjaya menyusukan anak kedua saya sehingga beliau berumur 4 tahun. Post ini akan saya terjemahkan ke Bahasa Melayu apabila ada kelapangan insya Allah)

Are you freaking out cause u think u do not have enough EBM stock?

Arrrgghhhhh !!!!!

First of all, don't. :) take a deep breath .... And relax. Why? Because,

1. Breastfed babies usually do not feed as much as you were told....

It is only recommended that u give about 5 bottles x 3 oz of milk to ur babysitter. For your information, breastfed baby do not need 5-6 oz per feeding. Maximum 3-4 oz is enough.

From these 5 bottles,
1 bottle is freshly expressed in the morning, about 4-5 am
2 bottles is the pumped milk a day before that
2 is the EBM stock
So u just need 2 bottles from your stock per day. It is advised that baby gets as much fresh milk as possible, as the composition of the milk changes according to the age of the baby.

2. Breastfed babies are good at reverse cycling. 

Meaning they dont drink much during the day also. Then , when mommy gets home, they drink and drink and drink till mommy cannot do anything else but nurse ! This really happened, as my daughter HATED to drink milk the bottle. So maximum she would drink was 1-2oz only, then she just drink like no tomorrow at nighttime!

3. Storage issue

Even if u manage to collect 400-500 of plastics/ bottles of EBM, a typical fridge with separate freezer can only store them for 3 months. Unless u have a chest freezer which can store the milk until 6 months, then most of your milk will be expired anyway.

Feeling better now? :)

About supplements

Supplementwise, i personally do not think they work wonders. But i believe that if you take vitamins such as vitamin B, vit C they make you healthier and happier, so naturally, you can make more milk.

1. Organic tea

I tried some teas, they do increase milk production minimally but smells like curry and make body heaty like hell. Did not like it.

2. Supplements

Multivitamin and Alfalfa worked for me.

3. Food 

Too lazy to go out to hunt for specific food to increase breastmilk, so could not really comment. But they day more protein u take, more milk you will make.

Hope this helps !

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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