Oh yea! If there is a place in this world that i could spend days and nights at is IKEA. I believe that Ikea has practically everything : great food, deco, playplace for the children; totally love it!
Anyway, we had a chance to drop by at Ikea Kafeteria at Mutiara Damansara last week and I am glad to share it with you today.

This is the new deco at the entrance. How true. The bedroom is THE PLACE where everything begins and ends. In fact, not only our daily life, our whole life we begin in the bedroom, and we probably will die in the bedroom.

The deco mainly changes the structure into uniformity. Instead of having sofas at one corner, now it looks like a huge dining hall at boarding school ( think Hogwart without the magical floating candles and headless ghosts). They have shrunk up the play area into a circle, play area, and put the TV elsewhere.

One thing that I do not like however, is they placed the dirty dishes trolley, condiment counter, the coffee counter and cashier counter too close to each other. What happened is all the lines converge in front the counters and caused quite a congestion!

Simply love the lightings though. Bright colour and exudes a sense of fun in an otherwise boring look ( boring because the dining hall-like arrangement).
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