Solution to moldy diapers

Rabu, 9 November 2011

My crush with Itti Bitti D'lish is going down slowly. some CD-addict mamas have even teamed up to buy this CD from NZ. but i read that the bamboo soaker tend to get damaged after a year to 2 years of use. what do u expect, even clothes that u use also got their own wear-and-tear effects, what more diapers that we use at least 2-3 times per week.

last 2 weeks i was visited by the worst nightmare of every CD-ing mommy; THE MOLD!

the horrifying mold on my GBW soaker !!!

at first, i just noted some small, faint pinkish spots on my GBW soakers, like this (can see? very faint)
so i read through diapersasia forum for remedy

one of them suggested boiling and vinegar
so i poured one whole bottle of vinegar , soaked for 3 hours and boiled the soakers for 4-5 minutes
then washed them. sad to say, not very much improved

so i sms-ed Joanne Khow, the seller at About the same time when i discovered that almost all of my Gro Baby soakers got mold (about 14 of them!)

ARRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!! (running around town pulling hair)

luckily , Joanne managed to save the day. she told me to
1. soak affected soakers in hot hot hot water. cover them completely.
2. when it is lukewarm (meaning you can touch the water with your hand , add about 3 tablespoon of BLEACH- yes, i know bleach is a big no-no in cloth diapering world, but i guess this is an exception) and some DETERGENT
3. then wash and wash and wash and wash with hot water, until the water runs clear- no bubble

kill the mold! kill the mold!

took me about 5-6 wash cycle to get the water completely bubble free.
then i dry them under the sun.

and praise praise praise to God.....almost all of the mold went away (except 2 soakers- very stubborn)

for mommies who wonder whether i did the right thing with the bleach, i e-mailed Kim Ormsby - Gro Baby maker- and this is her reply ;
"That is just strange!! This is one rare case where I would recommend bleaching your soaker pads. You may use 1/8 cup for an entire load and you'd want to do at least 2 extra rinses. Please give this a try and if it doesn't work let me know right away!

Kim Ormsby/
The Natural Baby Company"

sure hope the mold goes away for good
Joanne says the only way to avoid it is to wash with hot water every time
(do i have time for that....errr...............)

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