Review: Graham Bear Wear Fitted Diaper

Isnin, 7 November 2011

DD in GBW cherry-on-white - 11 layers, with heavy bamboo and zorb

My favourite Cloth Diaper

if someone asks me what is my favourite diaper, my answer would be Graham Bear Wear (GBW). in fact, i love it so much that i have 7 pieces of this brand! cannot buy more because it sold out already.

why i love them?

1. very cute prints. the above picture shows DD in cherry-on- white , my favourite prints. another is rock star. very delicious! mm yum yum....

just to illustrate how the diaper looks like, i sold this diaper already...

2. dries fast. as you can see, the soaker can be open up, so this makes drying really fast. it takes one day only , outside adn 2 days inside the house

3. soft bamboo velour touching babies bum.

4. the material is a bit stiffer than other fitted diaper, so very easy to put on wriggly babies.

5. fitting is just great, i never have a leak in these.

6. it has ZORB inside, which makes it very absorbent.

things i do not like...

1. it is not enough to wear for the whole night without a cover, but if you add another hemp layer, definitely can lasts up to 12 hours or more.

2. they sold out really fast!

you can buy it from, or order straight from Etsy. prices range from RM57 to RM85, very affordable for such good diapers i would say !

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