How I store my cloth diapers

Ahad, 6 November 2011

Before this, I used to store my cloth diapers in a plastic container, affectionately known as the "Toyogo" in our family.I can easily see which type (or more like, pattern to use today :) ) and it is highly accessible. When my first son was still in cloth diaper, we put it inside his room, and he himself would choose which brand or colour he wanted (he loved Lunatots diaper in Orange). When Eva arrived, we put the container in the living room, where Eva and I spent most of my confinement period days, and now, it is in the master bedroom, where we sleep so that I don't hit the door , fumbling in the middle of the night , searching for the CD container.

DD 's CD Toyogo
At this time, we have all the time in the world, and there weren't much CD's anyway. The CD's were arranged from left - all the fitteds and to the right - were all the pockets and AI2. Then I started working. And I have less and less time to organize and neatly arrange the CD's. And it gets messy. And the CD's were flying all over the place!

So I pull out a plastic wardrobe from the store, a present by dearest hubby, and tada! This is my new system.

 We store it in a 5-tiered wardrobe like this, and put it at the corner of the room.

This is the bottom tier, I keep the fleece and PUL covers, nappy liners, raw silk liners and extra soaker/inserts for the AI2 system like Flip/ Grobaby here. The bottom is the easiest to reach for.


Second tier from the bottom, would be the pockets/AI2 with velcro closure. My babysitter struggled with snap CD, so I send only velcro closure CD's to her. So in the morning, I open this drawer and grab 3 or 4 CD's and put inside DD's bag. But on and off, as you can see one or two snap CD still get in here (such as the blue-green Rainshine Design and pink Bouncy Baby diapers in the picture above).

The next tier is supposedly for pockets/AI2 with snaps and AIO. But again, they usually get mixed with the Velcro pockets/AIO as well....

The fourth tier is my favourite, it is for fitted CD's for night and weekend use. They are so colourful and cheerful, I just love looking at this drawer :). Ahhh....

 And this is the top tier , where I store the CD's that I have err..yet to organize and stuff and attach. the best part is I can hid it here and no can see all the mess !

Next to the wardrobe is where I hang my life saviours ; the wool longies. To ensure a good night's sleep with no leaking and ultimate comfort for my baby, these pants are are dispensable!

This post is written because I want to win these cute diapers from You can visit their website here. And if you want more details about the giveaway organised by Cloth Diaper Malaysia, please click here

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