The CD Stash

Isnin, 7 November 2011

Due to her smallish thighs, there are a lot of DS's CDs that DD cannot wear. So, this is just to share with you her current CD stash.

The orange, green and purple CD's are Grobaby CD's. I am so in love with them that I can't wait for the printed Grobaby to arrive in Malaysia. We have about 7 covers and 21 soakers, still not adequate in this rainy season as Eva uses up to 8-10 diapers daily.

The blue CD is Rumparooz G2. Also good for smallish babies. Love the soft microfleece and super-absorbent insert.

The pink CD is Lunatots AIO. I find the new Lunatots with the 4 layers of snap buttons can fit DD well. Never leak yet , with soft microfleece inner. AIO, so saves me the time to unsnap/snap / insert the soakers. Alas, it doesn't come in Velcro, otherwise it would have been totally perfect. (i simply love velcro...). For an AIO, the price is rather good as well.

The last one with the prints , is actually Imse Vimse Newborn Cover, which i use with Myeconappy inserts. I love the cover because of the cute prints, and although it is supposedly for newborn, i think it can fit DD until probably 6 months. it has double gussets and because of the cotton outer layer, sometimes it wicks. but i still love that cover. (Maybe will drop by Tiny Tapir and have a look at MPB cover later....wink wink...)

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