Review: Bumwear Fitted Diaper
Rabu, 9 November 2011
I would have to say this is the culprit. this is the CD that is responsible for seducing me into fitted CDs !
I joined the great Cloth Diaper Hunt organised by KittyCat last year, and Alhamdulillah i won. I specifically wanted this CD and i i got it.
This CD is unlike others that we have, the outer layer is made up of cotton terry material, something like towel , therefore, it is absorbant not only in the crotch part but the whole CD as well. It feels so soft! they have sewed a microfibre layer in the wet zone to add to the absorbancy and it closes with velcro, which i like very much. the inner is made of suedecloth which gives the stay dry feeling. it is a sized CD , so the fit is very nice on DD.
However, i find that if i use it alone, it is not enough for heavy wetter like DD. hence, i always use it with a bamboo soaker and liner (for stay-dry feeling) , and it can last up to 4-5 hours with a good diaper cover. i find myself being happy when i open the diaper cover, and found the diaper almost soaked, with no leaks on DD's clothing or bedsheet.
1. strong velcro closeure
2. absorbant material throughout the CD
3.quick drying
1. not enough to be night diaper,if they could add extra soaker/booster would have been great.
I would rate it at 8/10.
i like this CD so much that i bought another one, second hand from diapersasia.
you can buy it at, selling for SGD20 each. I dont think any e-store in Malaysia have them.
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- Review: Bumwear Fitted Diaper
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