Crazy Over Fitteds

Isnin, 7 November 2011

i have been bitten by a bug; fitted CD bug!

initially, i am not to keen on fitteds. heard that they need a cover, and most of them are available only in snaps version. then, i won this Bumwear Great Cloth DiaperHunt organised by KittyCat , and unwillingly, i got sucked into this fitted CD addiction!

on the picture above are my latest collection, from the left; FuzziBunz one-size pocket diaper (hear so much great reviews about it, has just got to try one), then secondhand Bunnyfeet OS cover, Graham Bear Wear Medium in Rock star print, My Precious Baby Medium in ducky yellow print.

on the side, littlepods pouch in turqoise. my mei tai is working fine with DD, but i just want to try pouch, so i thought just grab one.

will write a review soon. in the meantime, prewash, prewash, prewash.....

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