Review: Flip Diapering System

Sabtu, 12 November 2011

Flip diaper in medium setting - Ribbit colour

Flip Diapering System

I have been a big fan of AI2 sistem, because i am too lazy to stuff and unstuff pocket Diapers and i like the idea when you can just change the insert- therefore u can save money by not needing much cover.

However, with Grobaby, although you can just change the insert, the inner layer is made up of mesh cotton, so it still feels damp and kind of smelly, so I still change the whole diaper, so kind of defeat the AI2 purpose.

Now, Flip Diapering System has arrived in Malaysia! And I am totally flipped over this system !

Things that I like :

1. Cover - I like it when I can just wipe the cover after each use and just change the insert. I still put it into laundry if my baby poo in it, but it dries really fast, roughly in 2 hours in my shade. Absolutely love this feature!

change insert when it is soiled, flaps to tuck in the inserts

2. The Fit : truth is i hate snap closure. It is difficult to put on dipes with snap closure on active babies, and not easy to get a good fit too. With Flip however, they have stretchable spandex tab, which I think, is imperative in getting a snug fit. I doubt it will fit newborns though. DS can still fit in the smallest rise, though she would be more comfortable in the medium setting.

I like the elastics at the sides which also act like gussets, so far never had any leak with these !!

3. The inserts - Flip comes with stay-dry suedecloth topped microfiber insert, and they are simply awesome! They dry fast and keep babies bum dry. To adjust the size you just fold the insert at the front or the back. And other inserts fit as well: can use myeconappy insert, or Bamboolite hybrid insert.

4. The price - the price tag is somewhere between RM 65 - RM 75, which I feel is a fair and affordable figure, considering you only need a maximum of 4 covers if you want to go full time with Flip ( 2 covers per day rotation) A few stores retailing this diaper:,, and

Things I do not like :

1. Insert shift- because it doesn't have snaps, sometimes the insert can shift downwards a bit. But not a big problem for me. I also wish they can come up with Velcro version, would make the babysitter much happier :)

the model who currently refuses to wear pants. Probably want to show off her diapers? :D

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 ulasan :

  1. thanks for the review ya. last year i struggle study abt flip diaper ni. i blom pernah beli any cloth diapers tapi mmg really planning to buy untuk train my boy ni. bila i study, AI2 mmg paling jimat dan mudah. mula mula ingat nak beli grovia, tp flip punya review mcm lagi best utk toilet train. :)

    thanks again! sorry terpanjang pulak cerita :p


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