Diapering A Newborn - part 2

Sabtu, 24 Oktober 2009

experience grobaby package from tinytapir

grobaby and myeconappy are essentially AI2 (All - In- 2). they featured a shell, and soaker, which you can change when it is soiled.


1. NO LEAKS! this is reason enough for me to fall head-over-heels with this cloth diaper. the only diaper that doesn't leak (so far...) i am not sure what makes it leakproof, is it the cover, or super absorbant soaker, but i just love it.
2. less laundry. i can use the 2 shells and the 4 soakers can last 12 hours (half a day)
3. super absorbant soaker. the longest eva has used it was for 6 hours, without the booster and again, no leaks.
4.supersticky velcro.

1. the soaker takes longer to dry than the microfibre inserts. but that is okay for me.
2. a bit pricey. but if you calculate, buy more soakers, you can get up to RM30 per diaper. that is cheap right, compared to the quality?
3. not babysitter friendly, as you have to touch the soiled soaker to take it off.

DD in grobaby- blackberry

my econappy
(the text in blue is added after a month using them)

1. the inner of the cover is wipeable if it is soiled.
- this is actually a great feature, because Grobaby has inner mesh layer inside it, therefore if it gets dirty or wet, you either have to take a new cover or hang it to dry. My econappy inside layer is smooth, like plastic, so you really can just wipe it. this feature is also available in Flip, another AI2 , made by bumGenius.
2. they have great customer service. as soon as i wrote to them that i am quite disappointed with their product, they call me back almost immediately and worked with me to find the solution, as they said , they had a lot of happy customers and very surprised when i said, i am unhappy with their product. they promised to call back in another 2 weeks to see whether the problem has been rectified.

1. IT LEAKS. enough said.
- after analysing the CD, i found out the problem was that the legholes were too big for my baby, even at the smallest setting. i tried to shorten the rise by folding it inside, but still very big. hence, i think i will just keep the cover and use them when DD is a bit bigger, with chunkier thighs.
2. the inserts are not absorbant enough
- i forgot that the inserts have bamboo component inside. with organic inserts, you have to prewash many , many, many times before they get really absorbant. i used them after 2 prewash and that is why it leaks. now, after 7-8 washes, the insert is better.
3. the rise is too high for DD
-explained in number 1
4. expensive, not worth the money.
- i think, if the cover fits your child well , and you have no problem with the insert, then you can just add the soaker. although one shell set cost RM105- they came with 2 soaker , meaning it is like buying 2 diapers. and one insert costs RM20. so, like grobaby, buy more soaker, you get more diapers!

my suggestion is, you can buy this CD if you have baby with chubby thigh, or a bit bigger child, maybe 5 kg above. and do A LOT of prewash for the inserts.

in conclusion- i love the grobaby CD. definitely recommended.

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