Review: Pocket Change Cloth Diaper

Rabu, 21 Oktober 2009

remember that i participated in one of the giveaway, organized by KittyCat and Sandra from MiaBambina? well, surprise, surprise, i won!!! (alhamdulillah.....)

so, Sandra and KittyCat were very nice. i received the parcel within a week of winning it. Went to the Kangaroo Courier Office to fetch it because i was working when the courier boy came to my house, and TADA !!!!!!!!

this is the Pocket Change CD, size L for DS. the colour is pastel yellow, very sweet.


i got two inserts, one is the microfibre insert, hourglass shape, very absorbent and another is the hemp insert. what is unique about the hemp insert is that , well, you can see for yourself that it is large and when you want to use it, you fold it into three. the advantage of having insert like this is you can spread it open during laundry and it dries faster than other hemp inserts!!


it has two opening, from front and back, which is the secret to its claim that you don't have to remove the inserts during laundry.i tested this and the inserts really came out by themselves.another advantage is you can pull the insert from the front as well, making the insert stuffing process easier and faster.



the first time using it, we had slight leakage. maybe because i am not used to snap button CD , so the fitting is a little off. but the subsequent nights were fantastic, no more leakage. i prefer this CD as it is slightly bigger than the rest of my one-size-pocket diapers, so it is more comfortable for danial too.

thanks again, KittyCat and Miabambina !


**sorry , no picture of DS with the CD, as he becomes very shy when i told him i want to snap a picture of him in CD. will do that when he is asleep :D **

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