experience grobaby package from tinytapir

grobaby and myeconappy are essentially AI2 (All - In- 2). they featured a shell, and soaker, which you can change when it is soiled.


1. NO LEAKS! this is reason enough for me to fall head-over-heels with this cloth diaper. the only diaper that doesn't leak (so far...) i am not sure what makes it leakproof, is it the cover, or super absorbant soaker, but i just love it.
2. less laundry. i can use the 2 shells and the 4 soakers can last 12 hours (half a day)
3. super absorbant soaker. the longest eva has used it was for 6 hours, without the booster and again, no leaks.
4.supersticky velcro.

1. the soaker takes longer to dry than the microfibre inserts. but that is okay for me.
2. a bit pricey. but if you calculate, buy more soakers, you can get up to RM30 per diaper. that is cheap right, compared to the quality?
3. not babysitter friendly, as you have to touch the soiled soaker to take it off.

DD in grobaby- blackberry

my econappy
(the text in blue is added after a month using them)

1. the inner of the cover is wipeable if it is soiled.
- this is actually a great feature, because Grobaby has inner mesh layer inside it, therefore if it gets dirty or wet, you either have to take a new cover or hang it to dry. My econappy inside layer is smooth, like plastic, so you really can just wipe it. this feature is also available in Flip, another AI2 , made by bumGenius.
2. they have great customer service. as soon as i wrote to them that i am quite disappointed with their product, they call me back almost immediately and worked with me to find the solution, as they said , they had a lot of happy customers and very surprised when i said, i am unhappy with their product. they promised to call back in another 2 weeks to see whether the problem has been rectified.

1. IT LEAKS. enough said.
- after analysing the CD, i found out the problem was that the legholes were too big for my baby, even at the smallest setting. i tried to shorten the rise by folding it inside, but still very big. hence, i think i will just keep the cover and use them when DD is a bit bigger, with chunkier thighs.
2. the inserts are not absorbant enough
- i forgot that the inserts have bamboo component inside. with organic inserts, you have to prewash many , many, many times before they get really absorbant. i used them after 2 prewash and that is why it leaks. now, after 7-8 washes, the insert is better.
3. the rise is too high for DD
-explained in number 1
4. expensive, not worth the money.
- i think, if the cover fits your child well , and you have no problem with the insert, then you can just add the soaker. although one shell set cost RM105- they came with 2 soaker , meaning it is like buying 2 diapers. and one insert costs RM20. so, like grobaby, buy more soaker, you get more diapers!

my suggestion is, you can buy this CD if you have baby with chubby thigh, or a bit bigger child, maybe 5 kg above. and do A LOT of prewash for the inserts.

in conclusion- i love the grobaby CD. definitely recommended.

Diapering A Newborn - part 2

Sabtu, 24 Oktober 2009

experience grobaby package from tinytapir

grobaby and myeconappy are essentially AI2 (All - In- 2). they featured a shell, and soaker, which you can change when it is soiled.


1. NO LEAKS! this is reason enough for me to fall head-over-heels with this cloth diaper. the only diaper that doesn't leak (so far...) i am not sure what makes it leakproof, is it the cover, or super absorbant soaker, but i just love it.
2. less laundry. i can use the 2 shells and the 4 soakers can last 12 hours (half a day)
3. super absorbant soaker. the longest eva has used it was for 6 hours, without the booster and again, no leaks.
4.supersticky velcro.

1. the soaker takes longer to dry than the microfibre inserts. but that is okay for me.
2. a bit pricey. but if you calculate, buy more soakers, you can get up to RM30 per diaper. that is cheap right, compared to the quality?
3. not babysitter friendly, as you have to touch the soiled soaker to take it off.

DD in grobaby- blackberry

my econappy
(the text in blue is added after a month using them)

1. the inner of the cover is wipeable if it is soiled.
- this is actually a great feature, because Grobaby has inner mesh layer inside it, therefore if it gets dirty or wet, you either have to take a new cover or hang it to dry. My econappy inside layer is smooth, like plastic, so you really can just wipe it. this feature is also available in Flip, another AI2 , made by bumGenius.
2. they have great customer service. as soon as i wrote to them that i am quite disappointed with their product, they call me back almost immediately and worked with me to find the solution, as they said , they had a lot of happy customers and very surprised when i said, i am unhappy with their product. they promised to call back in another 2 weeks to see whether the problem has been rectified.

1. IT LEAKS. enough said.
- after analysing the CD, i found out the problem was that the legholes were too big for my baby, even at the smallest setting. i tried to shorten the rise by folding it inside, but still very big. hence, i think i will just keep the cover and use them when DD is a bit bigger, with chunkier thighs.
2. the inserts are not absorbant enough
- i forgot that the inserts have bamboo component inside. with organic inserts, you have to prewash many , many, many times before they get really absorbant. i used them after 2 prewash and that is why it leaks. now, after 7-8 washes, the insert is better.
3. the rise is too high for DD
-explained in number 1
4. expensive, not worth the money.
- i think, if the cover fits your child well , and you have no problem with the insert, then you can just add the soaker. although one shell set cost RM105- they came with 2 soaker , meaning it is like buying 2 diapers. and one insert costs RM20. so, like grobaby, buy more soaker, you get more diapers!

my suggestion is, you can buy this CD if you have baby with chubby thigh, or a bit bigger child, maybe 5 kg above. and do A LOT of prewash for the inserts.

in conclusion- i love the grobaby CD. definitely recommended.

remember that i participated in one of the giveaway, organized by KittyCat and Sandra from MiaBambina? well, surprise, surprise, i won!!! (alhamdulillah.....)

so, Sandra and KittyCat were very nice. i received the parcel within a week of winning it. Went to the Kangaroo Courier Office to fetch it because i was working when the courier boy came to my house, and TADA !!!!!!!!

this is the Pocket Change CD, size L for DS. the colour is pastel yellow, very sweet.


i got two inserts, one is the microfibre insert, hourglass shape, very absorbent and another is the hemp insert. what is unique about the hemp insert is that , well, you can see for yourself that it is large and when you want to use it, you fold it into three. the advantage of having insert like this is you can spread it open during laundry and it dries faster than other hemp inserts!!


it has two opening, from front and back, which is the secret to its claim that you don't have to remove the inserts during laundry.i tested this and the inserts really came out by themselves.another advantage is you can pull the insert from the front as well, making the insert stuffing process easier and faster.



the first time using it, we had slight leakage. maybe because i am not used to snap button CD , so the fitting is a little off. but the subsequent nights were fantastic, no more leakage. i prefer this CD as it is slightly bigger than the rest of my one-size-pocket diapers, so it is more comfortable for danial too.

thanks again, KittyCat and Miabambina !


**sorry , no picture of DS with the CD, as he becomes very shy when i told him i want to snap a picture of him in CD. will do that when he is asleep :D **

Review: Pocket Change Cloth Diaper

Rabu, 21 Oktober 2009

remember that i participated in one of the giveaway, organized by KittyCat and Sandra from MiaBambina? well, surprise, surprise, i won!!! (alhamdulillah.....)

so, Sandra and KittyCat were very nice. i received the parcel within a week of winning it. Went to the Kangaroo Courier Office to fetch it because i was working when the courier boy came to my house, and TADA !!!!!!!!

this is the Pocket Change CD, size L for DS. the colour is pastel yellow, very sweet.


i got two inserts, one is the microfibre insert, hourglass shape, very absorbent and another is the hemp insert. what is unique about the hemp insert is that , well, you can see for yourself that it is large and when you want to use it, you fold it into three. the advantage of having insert like this is you can spread it open during laundry and it dries faster than other hemp inserts!!


it has two opening, from front and back, which is the secret to its claim that you don't have to remove the inserts during laundry.i tested this and the inserts really came out by themselves.another advantage is you can pull the insert from the front as well, making the insert stuffing process easier and faster.



the first time using it, we had slight leakage. maybe because i am not used to snap button CD , so the fitting is a little off. but the subsequent nights were fantastic, no more leakage. i prefer this CD as it is slightly bigger than the rest of my one-size-pocket diapers, so it is more comfortable for danial too.

thanks again, KittyCat and Miabambina !


**sorry , no picture of DS with the CD, as he becomes very shy when i told him i want to snap a picture of him in CD. will do that when he is asleep :D **

when DS was small, we used disposables. at that time, i did not know that modern cloth diapers existed. so we used pureen high 5 , i was excited with the stripe prints and the claim that it can absorb 5 wettings.

but it leaked, many times. and i had blow outs. so we hunted for the ultimate disposable diapers.
pureen economy- leaks
fitti, petpet- leaks
mamypoko- too pricey

in the end, we used drypers for a few years. but drypers tend to leave abrasions on DS thigh. plus starting last year, they shot up in price. i remembered rushing to giant hypermarket in IPOH, just to get the discounted price for dispos !!! (they set limited time , like 8 pm till 10 pm- so we waited in Ipoh the whole day, at 8 pm rushed inside with another 100 parents and grabbed the diapers off the shelves till the shelves were empty!)

then i found cloth diapers and started DS on them.

for DD however, it was a different story. right after delivery, we used mamypoko newborn given by my sister, which is good , because we were at the hospital, who would want to wash the diapers? plus she was pooing and peeing hourly, we finished the 52 pieces in 4 days!

it was so big on DD, yet we use it anyway ;D

then when we got home, i was so eager to try the stash of pocket diapers. sadly, they all leak because she was still too tiny! so mummies out there, though the one size pocket diapers says can fit newborn, take my word, they dont, unless if you have a big baby, ..maybe. i have lunatots, crazy momy mostly in my stash. bumgenius? oh lagilah tak muat...

the only pocket diaper that fits though was rumparooz G2. a bit bulky, but it fits and no leaks! the downside is, it is a bit pricey.

Rumparooz G2

so i continued to hunt for the ultimate cloth diapers. we used lampins with covers as well, but it leaves red marks on eva's butt, so i dont like it. i bought rocky mountain diapers, supposedly can fit newborn because of their adjustable leg elastics. true, they dont leak at the legs, they leak at the back!

then we went back to hometown for hari raya, so we just used disposables again, for ease of travelling. when we got back home , i bought grobaby CD and myeconappy...

(continuing at part 2)

Diapering A Newborn - part 1

Selasa, 20 Oktober 2009

when DS was small, we used disposables. at that time, i did not know that modern cloth diapers existed. so we used pureen high 5 , i was excited with the stripe prints and the claim that it can absorb 5 wettings.

but it leaked, many times. and i had blow outs. so we hunted for the ultimate disposable diapers.
pureen economy- leaks
fitti, petpet- leaks
mamypoko- too pricey

in the end, we used drypers for a few years. but drypers tend to leave abrasions on DS thigh. plus starting last year, they shot up in price. i remembered rushing to giant hypermarket in IPOH, just to get the discounted price for dispos !!! (they set limited time , like 8 pm till 10 pm- so we waited in Ipoh the whole day, at 8 pm rushed inside with another 100 parents and grabbed the diapers off the shelves till the shelves were empty!)

then i found cloth diapers and started DS on them.

for DD however, it was a different story. right after delivery, we used mamypoko newborn given by my sister, which is good , because we were at the hospital, who would want to wash the diapers? plus she was pooing and peeing hourly, we finished the 52 pieces in 4 days!

it was so big on DD, yet we use it anyway ;D

then when we got home, i was so eager to try the stash of pocket diapers. sadly, they all leak because she was still too tiny! so mummies out there, though the one size pocket diapers says can fit newborn, take my word, they dont, unless if you have a big baby, ..maybe. i have lunatots, crazy momy mostly in my stash. bumgenius? oh lagilah tak muat...

the only pocket diaper that fits though was rumparooz G2. a bit bulky, but it fits and no leaks! the downside is, it is a bit pricey.

Rumparooz G2

so i continued to hunt for the ultimate cloth diapers. we used lampins with covers as well, but it leaves red marks on eva's butt, so i dont like it. i bought rocky mountain diapers, supposedly can fit newborn because of their adjustable leg elastics. true, they dont leak at the legs, they leak at the back!

then we went back to hometown for hari raya, so we just used disposables again, for ease of travelling. when we got back home , i bought grobaby CD and myeconappy...

(continuing at part 2)

cloth diaper
bye bye night diaper !!!

so far, DS has been diaperless at night for at least 2 weeks !!!
hooray hooray
funny though
i thought it would be much difficult than this
but the process started gradually when we were at Wan's house in KL
initially I had to change his cloth diaper twice per night because he was such a heavy wetter
then I noted he did not pee at all for the first half of the night
only at 5-6 am, so I only put him on diaper at 4 am onwards

then after we returned to home
Hubby noted that he was not put on any diapers at all
I told him, he has been diaperless for 2-3 nights and so far, no accident
it is just that we have to make sure
he pees before he goes to bed and when he wakes up
and no milk at night

so that's it!
less diaper for DS
less spending for us
now how to make him poo in the toilet....

Going diaperless at nights

Isnin, 6 Julai 2009

cloth diaper
bye bye night diaper !!!

so far, DS has been diaperless at night for at least 2 weeks !!!
hooray hooray
funny though
i thought it would be much difficult than this
but the process started gradually when we were at Wan's house in KL
initially I had to change his cloth diaper twice per night because he was such a heavy wetter
then I noted he did not pee at all for the first half of the night
only at 5-6 am, so I only put him on diaper at 4 am onwards

then after we returned to home
Hubby noted that he was not put on any diapers at all
I told him, he has been diaperless for 2-3 nights and so far, no accident
it is just that we have to make sure
he pees before he goes to bed and when he wakes up
and no milk at night

so that's it!
less diaper for DS
less spending for us
now how to make him poo in the toilet....
the project is ready to be unveiled.
the project mentioned before is......... (drumroll....)

(huk alah...ingat kan projek besar apa tadi....)eh, besar tau projek ni! to cloth diaper your child need commitment, initial financial investment and also, some learning curve to learn what is cloth diapering all about. and mind you, the cloth diapers i am talking about here are not the usual ones used by our grandma's , but the evolution of cloth diaper has reached the stage whereby it is possible to cater to everyone's personal need and requirement.

why cloth diaper?

there are a lot of reason to cloth diaper your kids. amongst them are ;

1. environmental reasons
do you know that one disposable diaper (disposable diapers) takes 500 years to degrade? (aaaaa??...) imagine using 5-6 diapers , per day, per baby...and all the landfills it occupy....ewww...

2. health reasons

  • Dioxin, which in various forms has been shown to cause cancer, birth defects, liver damage, and skin diseases, genetic damage, is a by-product of the paper-bleaching process used in manufacturing disposable diapers, and trace quantities may exist in the diapers themselves. Dioxin is listed by the EPA as the most toxic of cancer related chemicals. 
  • Sodium polyacrylate -If you have ever seen the gel-like, super absorbent crystals in a disposable than you have seen this first hand. Sodium polyacrylate is the same substance that was removed from tampons because of its link to toxic shock syndrome

Other reasons are diaper rash and asthma. (I have yet to find medical journal that support all these claims, but they sound logical, so I'll just go along with it for the moment)....

3. financial reason

  • Cost DD(50 senx6×30daysix34 months) = RM3060 (brands like huggies / Drypers )
  • If you are using MamiPoko= RM6120
  • Cost CD (20 keping) = RM980
(the above information are taken from here...please click the link for more elaboration)

as for me, the reasons are pure and simple:

do you know that a standard pack of Huggies and Drypers now cost almost RM40 at the cheapest hypermarket in Teluk Intan? just end of last year , I can still buy them at RM32-34. according to my sister, they can reach up to RM45 in Kuala Lumpur!!! It is so ridiculous. though my son is partly potty trained, he still needs diapers during the nights and he still refuses to poo in the toilet. so , we still need to buy diapers. of course you can buy the cheap ones, like Tesco and HeyBaby etc etc, but these cheap diapers tend to give DS abrasions over his sensitive skin and he will say "sakit lah ibu...sakit..."..so kesian eh, pakai pampers pun dapat melecet melecet...

2. smelly kitchen
our garbage dumping site is located quite far from our apartment , about 5 minutes walk ( ohh...jauhnya...). so we tend to throw our garbage 3-4 days once ( a chore almost always done by Mr Hubby, thank you so much :D ). so these soiled DD causes my kitchen to be smelly. and i hate smelly kitchen. makes my lazybum even lazier to cook. so with these CD, no more smelly kitchen !!!

ice cream

this is DS in swim diaper. swim diaper is kind of cloth diaper too, in fact you can use some CD cover as swim diaper..cute huh?

Why I Cloth Diaper

Jumaat, 6 Februari 2009

the project is ready to be unveiled.
the project mentioned before is......... (drumroll....)

(huk alah...ingat kan projek besar apa tadi....)eh, besar tau projek ni! to cloth diaper your child need commitment, initial financial investment and also, some learning curve to learn what is cloth diapering all about. and mind you, the cloth diapers i am talking about here are not the usual ones used by our grandma's , but the evolution of cloth diaper has reached the stage whereby it is possible to cater to everyone's personal need and requirement.

why cloth diaper?

there are a lot of reason to cloth diaper your kids. amongst them are ;

1. environmental reasons
do you know that one disposable diaper (disposable diapers) takes 500 years to degrade? (aaaaa??...) imagine using 5-6 diapers , per day, per baby...and all the landfills it occupy....ewww...

2. health reasons

  • Dioxin, which in various forms has been shown to cause cancer, birth defects, liver damage, and skin diseases, genetic damage, is a by-product of the paper-bleaching process used in manufacturing disposable diapers, and trace quantities may exist in the diapers themselves. Dioxin is listed by the EPA as the most toxic of cancer related chemicals. 
  • Sodium polyacrylate -If you have ever seen the gel-like, super absorbent crystals in a disposable than you have seen this first hand. Sodium polyacrylate is the same substance that was removed from tampons because of its link to toxic shock syndrome

Other reasons are diaper rash and asthma. (I have yet to find medical journal that support all these claims, but they sound logical, so I'll just go along with it for the moment)....

3. financial reason

  • Cost DD(50 senx6×30daysix34 months) = RM3060 (brands like huggies / Drypers )
  • If you are using MamiPoko= RM6120
  • Cost CD (20 keping) = RM980
(the above information are taken from here...please click the link for more elaboration)

as for me, the reasons are pure and simple:

do you know that a standard pack of Huggies and Drypers now cost almost RM40 at the cheapest hypermarket in Teluk Intan? just end of last year , I can still buy them at RM32-34. according to my sister, they can reach up to RM45 in Kuala Lumpur!!! It is so ridiculous. though my son is partly potty trained, he still needs diapers during the nights and he still refuses to poo in the toilet. so , we still need to buy diapers. of course you can buy the cheap ones, like Tesco and HeyBaby etc etc, but these cheap diapers tend to give DS abrasions over his sensitive skin and he will say "sakit lah ibu...sakit..."..so kesian eh, pakai pampers pun dapat melecet melecet...

2. smelly kitchen
our garbage dumping site is located quite far from our apartment , about 5 minutes walk ( ohh...jauhnya...). so we tend to throw our garbage 3-4 days once ( a chore almost always done by Mr Hubby, thank you so much :D ). so these soiled DD causes my kitchen to be smelly. and i hate smelly kitchen. makes my lazybum even lazier to cook. so with these CD, no more smelly kitchen !!!

ice cream

this is DS in swim diaper. swim diaper is kind of cloth diaper too, in fact you can use some CD cover as swim diaper..cute huh?