Why I Cloth Diaper

Jumaat, 6 Februari 2009

the project is ready to be unveiled.
the project mentioned before is......... (drumroll....)

(huk alah...ingat kan projek besar apa tadi....)eh, besar tau projek ni! to cloth diaper your child need commitment, initial financial investment and also, some learning curve to learn what is cloth diapering all about. and mind you, the cloth diapers i am talking about here are not the usual ones used by our grandma's , but the evolution of cloth diaper has reached the stage whereby it is possible to cater to everyone's personal need and requirement.

why cloth diaper?

there are a lot of reason to cloth diaper your kids. amongst them are ;

1. environmental reasons
do you know that one disposable diaper (disposable diapers) takes 500 years to degrade? (aaaaa??...) imagine using 5-6 diapers , per day, per baby...and all the landfills it occupy....ewww...

2. health reasons

  • Dioxin, which in various forms has been shown to cause cancer, birth defects, liver damage, and skin diseases, genetic damage, is a by-product of the paper-bleaching process used in manufacturing disposable diapers, and trace quantities may exist in the diapers themselves. Dioxin is listed by the EPA as the most toxic of cancer related chemicals. 
  • Sodium polyacrylate -If you have ever seen the gel-like, super absorbent crystals in a disposable than you have seen this first hand. Sodium polyacrylate is the same substance that was removed from tampons because of its link to toxic shock syndrome

Other reasons are diaper rash and asthma. (I have yet to find medical journal that support all these claims, but they sound logical, so I'll just go along with it for the moment)....

3. financial reason

  • Cost DD(50 senx6×30daysix34 months) = RM3060 (brands like huggies / Drypers )
  • If you are using MamiPoko= RM6120
  • Cost CD (20 keping) = RM980
(the above information are taken from here...please click the link for more elaboration)

as for me, the reasons are pure and simple:

do you know that a standard pack of Huggies and Drypers now cost almost RM40 at the cheapest hypermarket in Teluk Intan? just end of last year , I can still buy them at RM32-34. according to my sister, they can reach up to RM45 in Kuala Lumpur!!! It is so ridiculous. though my son is partly potty trained, he still needs diapers during the nights and he still refuses to poo in the toilet. so , we still need to buy diapers. of course you can buy the cheap ones, like Tesco and HeyBaby etc etc, but these cheap diapers tend to give DS abrasions over his sensitive skin and he will say "sakit lah ibu...sakit..."..so kesian eh, pakai pampers pun dapat melecet melecet...

2. smelly kitchen
our garbage dumping site is located quite far from our apartment , about 5 minutes walk ( ohh...jauhnya...). so we tend to throw our garbage 3-4 days once ( a chore almost always done by Mr Hubby, thank you so much :D ). so these soiled DD causes my kitchen to be smelly. and i hate smelly kitchen. makes my lazybum even lazier to cook. so with these CD, no more smelly kitchen !!!

ice cream

this is DS in swim diaper. swim diaper is kind of cloth diaper too, in fact you can use some CD cover as swim diaper..cute huh?

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