Why I prefer fitteds cloth diapers over pocket cloth diapers?

Jumaat, 29 April 2011

A lot of mummies told me that using fitted diapers is cumbersome. First is not really leakproof. You may feel it becomes slightly damp after one or two pee. Second you have to use a cover or wool longies to make it totally waterproof. Thirdly, it is mostly made with snaps and due to the beautiful designs and multiple layers, usually more expensive.

Well, when my daughter was about 6 months old or so, i had a few episodes of diaper leaks. I believe it was due to her size, most of the pocket diapers did not fit her well. Now what this fitted diapers did, because they were 100% all surface absorbent cloth, it did not matter what position she was in, be it sitting, lying down, looking upwards, crawling and fell on her tummy, the fitted diaper absorbed it all. In fact, if you are staying at home, no guest or fussy husband/MIL around, you don't really have to put on the cover. Therefore, the biggest strength of this diaper is its absorbency and therefore, it is really leakproof. You will not find a puddle in the middle of your house like you may find using other type of diapers.

Because you can feel the dampness after one or two pee, you will change the diaper faster. After all , who wants to let their children be in wet nappies all day/night long? I feel this is a good way to ensure that my baby always have dry nappy on, therefore redusing her risk of getting nappy rash. In fact, as far as I remember, from her birth until now , she only gets nappy rash. Once when she was a month old, and we were constantly travelling and i was using the disposable diapers. And another very mild one when she diarrhea. Alhamdulillah, praise to God.

The latest trend is the hybrid fitted diaper, whereby a layer of wool is sewn in to make the diaper waterproof but breathable. I find this idea very brilliant. Unfortunately, it is not available in Malaysian market yet, but I heard rave reviews about this diapers in USA. So for mummies who wants a leakproof, breathable diaper, you might want to give this diaper a try?

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