cloth diaper
bye bye night diaper !!!

so far, DS has been diaperless at night for at least 2 weeks !!!
hooray hooray
funny though
i thought it would be much difficult than this
but the process started gradually when we were at Wan's house in KL
initially I had to change his cloth diaper twice per night because he was such a heavy wetter
then I noted he did not pee at all for the first half of the night
only at 5-6 am, so I only put him on diaper at 4 am onwards

then after we returned to home
Hubby noted that he was not put on any diapers at all
I told him, he has been diaperless for 2-3 nights and so far, no accident
it is just that we have to make sure
he pees before he goes to bed and when he wakes up
and no milk at night

so that's it!
less diaper for DS
less spending for us
now how to make him poo in the toilet....

Going diaperless at nights

Isnin, 6 Julai 2009

cloth diaper
bye bye night diaper !!!

so far, DS has been diaperless at night for at least 2 weeks !!!
hooray hooray
funny though
i thought it would be much difficult than this
but the process started gradually when we were at Wan's house in KL
initially I had to change his cloth diaper twice per night because he was such a heavy wetter
then I noted he did not pee at all for the first half of the night
only at 5-6 am, so I only put him on diaper at 4 am onwards

then after we returned to home
Hubby noted that he was not put on any diapers at all
I told him, he has been diaperless for 2-3 nights and so far, no accident
it is just that we have to make sure
he pees before he goes to bed and when he wakes up
and no milk at night

so that's it!
less diaper for DS
less spending for us
now how to make him poo in the toilet....